ماكينة MAIKONG PDT-سعر آلة PDT
بيت / جهاز العلاج بالضوء PDT / آلة العلاج PDT/LED بالجملة

آلة العلاج PDT/LED بالجملة

آلة العلاج PDT/LED بالجملة
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    آلة العلاج PDT/LED بالجملة

    Wholesale PDT Therapy Machine001 Wholesale PDT Therapy Machine

    Place of Origin
    1 Year
    After-sales Service Provided
    Online support
    Skin Tightening, Acne Treatment, Blemish Clearing, Pore Cleaner
    Plugs Type
    AU, UK, EU, US
    For Commercial
    Target Area
    Body, Face, Eyes
    Beauty Salon
    Skin Rejuvenation
    Facial Care
    Facial Whiting

    Wholesale PDT Therapy Machine005 Wholesale PDT Therapy Machine006

    1.إزالة البقع, بقع التشمس, رواسب الصباغ, الحد من أضرار أشعة الشمس على الجلد;
    2.علاج البقع, القروح الداكنة والتهاب الجريبات
    3.Lightening acne and capillary vessel expansion
    4.Smoothing wrinkles and tightening skin
    5.تقليص المسام الخشنة وعلاج خشونة الجلد
    6.علاج البشرة الداكنة أو الداكنة الناتجة عن نقص التمثيل الغذائي أو الدورة الدموية
    7.الافراج عن التعب, تقليل الضغط وتحسين النوم
    8.علاج تقشر الجلد أو تساقط الشعر الناتج عن التهاب الجريبات
    9.التعافي من الاستبدالات المرضية الطفيفة لأعصاب الوجه
    10.استعادة الجلد المصاب:
    (1).Skin recovery after skin replacement, recovery from tattoo or tattoo allergy
    (2).Laser eyebrow washing, instant recovery from tattoo washing, sensitive skin recovery
    (3).Recovery from skin burns, blisters, or pigment sediments caused by excess energy or improper operation during photon treatment.


    PDT/LED therapy machines have revolutionized the skincare industry with their advanced technology and effective results. في هذه المقالة, سوف نستكشف التاريخ, مبدأ العمل, مزايا, application steps, الجمهور المستهدف, and industries that benefit from wholesale PDT/LED therapy machines.

    History of Wholesale PDT/LED Therapy Machine

    PDT/LED therapy machines have a rich history dating back to their development in the early 1990s. Initially, they were primarily used in medical and dermatological settings for the treatment of various skin conditions. However, with advancements in technology and increased research, PDT/LED therapy machines became more accessible and widely used in the beauty and wellness industry.

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    مبدأ العمل


    Red and blue light treatment system using United States high quality LED purity over 99% genes of biological electromagnetic wave sources, with special optical signal transmission technology in the world, and non-thermal effects. During treatment period, may combination contains special photographic ingredients of high nutrition photosensitive collagen, can fast effective of import subcutaneous tissue and are absorbed by red grains of cell, and produce most efficient of light of reactionenzyme promoting reaction, thus improving the activity of cells and promoting the metabolism of cells. Make the skin to secrete many collagens and automatically fill in fibrous histiocytomas, while increase peritoneal macrophages bacteria ability of white cell , so as to achieve healing, tender skin, whitening, acne, antioxidant effect, ideally suited for sub-healthy and dry, allergic skin, and facial nerve numbness, spastic patients.

    PDT/LED therapy machines work based on the principle of photobiomodulation. They emit specific wavelengths of light, مثل الأحمر, أزرق, and green, which penetrate the skin at different depths. These lights stimulate cellular activity, boosting collagen production, reducing inflammation, and improving overall skin health. The therapy machines are non-invasive and painless, making them suitable for all skin types.

    Advantages of Wholesale PDT/LED Therapy Machine

    1. Effective and visible results in rejuvenating and tightening the skin.
    2. Reduces fine lines, التجاعيد, and other signs of aging.
    3. Improves acne-prone skin by killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.
    4. Enhances skin texture and tone, giving a youthful appearance.
    5. Safe and suitable for all skin types without any side effects.
    6. No downtime required, allowing clients to resume their daily activities immediately.
    7. Long-lasting effects with regular treatments.

    Steps Involved in PDT/LED Therapy

    The process of PDT/LED therapy involves the following steps:

    1. Cleansing the skin to remove any dirt or makeup.
    2. Applying a photosensitizing agent, if required for specific treatments.
    3. Placing the PDT/LED therapy machine over the target areas.
    4. Activating the machine to emit the desired light wavelength.
    5. Allowing the light to penetrate the skin for the recommended duration.
    6. Removing the therapy machine and applying suitable skincare products.

    Who Needs Wholesale PDT/LED Therapy Machines?

    PDT/LED therapy machines are ideal for various professionals and businesses, مشتمل:

    • Beauty salons and spas
    • Dermatologists and skincare clinics
    • Wellness centers and health spas
    • Medical aesthetic practitioners
    • Cosmetic surgeons

    Application Industries

    The application of wholesale PDT/LED therapy machines extends to various industries, مشتمل:

    1. Beauty and skincare industry
    2. Medical aesthetics industry
    3. عيادات ومستشفيات الأمراض الجلدية
    4. Wellness and spa industry
    5. Cosmetic and plastic surgery centers
    6. Beauty training institutes


    Wholesale PDT/LED therapy machines have revolutionized the skincare industry, offering effective and safe treatments for various skin concerns. As professional LED therapy machine suppliers, تجار الجملة لآلات LED المحترفين, and PDT light therapy machine manufacturers, we cater to the growing demand for these machines. If you are interested in becoming a local distributor or wholesaler, يرجى التواصل معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني, واتساب, أو ترك رسالة.

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    مستشار بيع : السيدة لوسي
    مستشار البيع : السيد مارك

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